Beauty and The Beast

"Beauty and The Beast"

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Beauty. She lived with her two sisters and her father in a small village. She was also a hard working girl. She always helped her father in the farm.

One day father set out for the city. He saw an old castle. He became to know who lived inside, and he went in. while he was walking around the castle, he met nobody inside. Knowing that there was none inside, he ate the food on the table and picked a rose from the garden, for Beauty. Then an angry beast appeared and wanted to kill him unless he brought Beauty to him.
After reaching his home, Beauty’s father told her the truth. Beauty loved her father very much, so she didn’t refuse what her father asked. She went to Beast castle and lived there only with the beast. Her gloomy life had begun since then. She often tried to run away but the Beast always successfully stopped her.